Let’s talk about Language: BIPOC

“BIPOC” is a term we hear a lot, but there are a number of reasons I don’t like this term. As we learn and grow, it is important that we continue to change the language. 

This term stands for “Black-Indigenous and People of Colour”. It focuses on discrimination around Black and Indigenous People. 

Racism Impacts different people in different ways

The term “BIPOC” lumps everyone together and assumes that racism impacts folks who are Black, Indigenous, and radicalized people in the same way.
Racism impacts us in different ways. Indigenous people can experience anti-Indigenous racism while folks that are Black can experience anti-Black racism.

FYI, White is a Colour

I always say to my White friends: “you are not transparent.” White is also a colour. 

So, what could you say? 

Instead, I use the term “Racialized” or “Marginalized” because that explains what happens to people or what is done to people.

Racism is not something that people are born with. It is something that is created through humankind. Let’s say goodbye to this phrase and work to use more descriptive terms, rather than grouping people together.

Iona Sky