
Writings and Publications

Over the last two decades, Iona Sky’s writing and publications have focused on anti-oppressive practice, social justice, advocacy and social inclusion. See an examples of some of her work below.


Damiani-Taraba, G., Sky, I., Hegler, D., Woolridge, N., Anderson, B. & Koster, A. (2018). The Listen to Me Project: Creating lasting changes in voice and participation for children in care through a youth-led project. Child and Youth Services. 139(1). 75-95. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0145935X.2018.1446825

Sky, I. (2016). Searching for my Palm Tree: Epistemological journeying of a doctoral student in Qualitative Social Work Journal. 15. (5-6), 619-627. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1473325016652676

Sky, I. (2012). Our Way: The Children’s Aid Society of Brant’s AOP Journey. Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal (1). http://www.oacas.org/pubs/oacas/journal/2012spring/Inside2012Spring.pdf

MSW research thesis:

Sky, I. (2013). Motherhoods, Bodies and Inequalities: An Exploration of Surrogacy and its Implications for Social Work, available on the McMaster University website: https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/handle/11375/11217

Sky, I. (2006). How Much. The Cost of Heterosexism in Child Welfare, available on the Children’s Aid Society of Brant website: https://brantfacs.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/How_Much.pdf

Sky, I. (2014). Why in LGBTTIQQ2SA Stories of Pride, Courage and Social Justice in Canada. Breakwater Books: Nova Scotia. https://www.breakwaterbooks.com/books/out-proud-stories-of-pride-courage-and-social-justice/