
Actions speak louder than words

Iona Sky offers consulting and training, coaching and mentorship and is a speaker on leadership, organizational improvement and equity, diversity and inclusion for workplaces and communities.


Iona meets people where they are at. This work is difficult and Iona is able to engage leaders, boards and agencies in a way that does not shame or judge, but rather comes alongside to identify what needs to be different and the intentional steps that need to occur to make it happen. She is an active listener, captures themes and asks hard questions in a way that is respectful and solution focused. Iona has energy, passion and hope. She shares her living experiences to influence change and disrupt the status quo.

- Teri Thomas-Vanos, Executive Director, Linck


Consulting & Coaching for Change

We develop a tailored approach towards understanding issues of EDI with the goal of creating enhanced work environments and service delivery.

Consulting and coaching/mentoring areas include: 

  • Equitable and Inclusive Leadership

  • Implementing change through an intersectional EDI (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) lens

  • Policy development and reviews

  • Program development and implementation

  • Program evaluation

Areas of knowledge:

  • Social Work practice, leadership and education

  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion on various levels - personal, professional, organizational and systemic

  • Leadership Development

  • Organizational Change

  • Creating inclusive environments

  • Implementing anti-oppressive perspective into practice

  • Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sexual Characteristics (SOGIE-SC) issues

  • Community Development

  • Supervising diverse teams

  • Program development

  • Policy development

  • Social justice and advocacy


Let’s start with education, move to action and end in celebration.

In today’s global and technological environments, individuals, groups and organizations need to be adaptable to the needs of diverse groups and identities. Understanding and incorporating equitable and inclusive practices and policies are key to creating healthy respectful places and spaces. Taking action towards not only respecting but celebrating the rights and dignity of all individuals leads to diverse, effective, compassionate and inclusive services and supports to a variety of groups.

Examples of our Learning and Action-Oriented Programs include:

  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion - Putting it into Practice

  • Leadership Action for Change

  • Creating spaces and places of belonging

  • SOGIE-SC training and consultation

  • Leading diverse teams and groups

Program Formats:

Whether you are looking for 1 hour, half day, or full day training, Iona will work with you and your team to work toward better outcomes for you and your organization.



When Iona shares their personal stories, experiences, and journey, they focuses on issues impacting marginalized groups such as racialized communities, LGBTQ issues, and immigrant groups. Iona presents strategic and collaborative social change and pushes to examine ourselves to help us understand how we can not only relate and communicate with one another in a compassionate, respectful way, but also how we can create healthy relationships within our family, social, cultural and other groups.

With Iona Sky’s background in social work and education, her unique story, and the data and findings from real-world experience, Iona has spoken at conferences across the United States and Canada.


Speaking Experience


